DAUR presents its new ranking of scientific CPGEs (Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles) for 2025, covering all streams - with the exception of ATS Civil Engineering. The streams concerned are:
MP: Mathematics and Physics
MPI: Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science
PC: Physics and Chemistry
PSI: Physics and Engineering Sciences
PT: Physics and Technology
BCPST: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences
TSI: Technology and Industrial Sciences
TPC: Technology, Physics and Chemistry
TB: Technology and Biology
ATS GI: Adaptation Techniciens Supérieurs - Génie Industriel (Advanced Technician Training - Industrial Engineering)
Unlike rankings based on feedback from institutions, DAUR's method is based directly on SCEI results. For example, admission to the École Polytechnique is worth more points than admission to the ENSTA Paris, which is worth more than admission to the Centrale Lyon, for the nearly 400 branches accessible after the CPGE.
In addition, DAUR takes into account students' choice of repeating a year. So, even if a student admitted to CentraleSupélec decides to repeat a year (which is expected to be the case for more than 20 students in 2024, in order to attempt the ENS or X), the prep school concerned will be credited with the corresponding points.
Notation | School | Students count | City | Location | Final grade |
AAA | Lycée privé Sainte GenevièveLycée privé Sainte Geneviève | 114 | Versailles | Yvelines (France) | 85 |
AAA | Lycée StanislasLycée Stanislas | 83 | Paris | Paris (France) | 85 |
AAA | Lycée Blaise PascalLycée Blaise Pascal | 41 | Orsay | Essonne (France) | 84 |
AAA | Lycée aux LazaristesLycée aux Lazaristes | 20 | Lyon | Rhône (France) | 84 |
AAA | Lycée du ParcLycée du Parc | 77 | Lyon | Rhône (France) | 82 |
AAA | Lycée Henri IVLycée Henri IV | 71 | Paris | Paris (France) | 82 |
AAA | Lycée Louis Le GrandLycée Louis Le Grand | 144 | Paris | Paris (France) | 81 |
AAA | Lycée HocheLycée Hoche | 40 | Versailles | Yvelines (France) | 79 |
AA | Lycée Saint-LouisLycée Saint-Louis | 113 | Paris | Paris (France) | 73 |
AA | Lycée Louis PasteurLycée Louis Pasteur | 79 | Neuilly-sur-Seine | Hauts-de-Seine (France) | 73 |